Montag, 20. Januar 2014

The Best of The Art in Stone: healing crystals


"The Art in Stone" offers its high quality crystals and large stones from around the world. More than 20 years of stone-working experience benefit this new line. The designs are always individual, demonstrating a love for detail that is inherent in the products.
 The Lotus Flower rock Crystal
 Crystal South America
Clarity, spiritual enlightenment and healing
Exclusive bathtubs, washbasins, statues, columns, figures, pictures etc. are made by hand using high quality stones sourced from around the world. Customer wishes are always taken into account in prior individual consultations.

This "MAGIC-CAMEL" is a incredible work of art from the godly nature´s creative powers
going back millions of years. All wisdom is stored in them.

The world Crystal originates in the Greek word "krystallos" and means frozen water. The exhibited rock crystal was excavated in the heights of Tibet and delights by its astonishing clarity as well as purity and extraordinary combinations of tiny and large crystals. This beautiful rock crystal touches your heart and gives you inner peace. These crystals can ideally be used in the hotel spas, luxury homes, shopping centers and offices.

Rock crystals

This wonderful mineral belongs to the quartz-family.The purest, noblest and most beautyful form from this family – the rock-crystal. Milliones of years back growth deeply inside the earth, under high pressure, pure silica chemical composition and at high temperature. Each crystal is unique. The hardness is 7 – diamond has 10. High quality- crystals come from Brazil, USA, China, Himalayas, Madagascar and the Alps.

In the Asia-Buddhist-culture the monk use the rock-crystal for the enlightenment. The rock crystal has the power to heal the body, spirit and soul. If you get in touch with the crystal you can feel harmony and purification.

The healing power of crystals is known to humans for thousands of years. It is known that crystals support and protect us. These precious crystals are significant, as they bear all spectral colors in their white and neutral shade. Hence, it is said that they hold all knowledge and wisdom and that the energies of rock crystals vibrate on a higher level than those of human beings. We can feel this frequency at the heart level. 

The rock crystals can be used for healing work to support our own self-development, cleansing of our body and mind and for finding the clarity. 

Crystals can be found in all shapes, sizes and colors and some of them can have weight up to 10 tonnes. All crystal shapes are possible, whether in a raw, polished or sculptured state. These precious or half-precious stones are seldom and rare, and are very hard to find. 

More photos can be found on The Best of the World Network picasa album and for purchase inquiries, 
you can contact:

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