Sonntag, 13. April 2014

The Best of Bendegúz Gábossy Youth Ambassador

Bendegúz Gábossy, Maria Petrak and the representative from the
Hungarian Embassy in Vienna

The Best of the World Network - Global Association for Intercultural Promotion needs young, highly skilled, motivated and enthusiastic people with talents to continue our mission and vision. 

For this, we choose to work with the Global Youth Ambassadors such as Bendegúz Gábossy. 

In cooperation with the Webster University in Vienna we are very happy and proud to introduce The Best of the World Network Global Youth Ambassador and 
Coordinator for The Best of Hungary: Bendegúz Gábossy from Budapest.

"I come from Budapest, which is the capital city of Hungary. I got my Bachelor degree in 2013 and graduated as an International Administration Manager at the National University of Public Service in Budapest. I started my studies at Corvinus University Budapest, however, my faculty was transferred into a new University in the middle of my Bachelor program.

I was always interested in studying abroad since I have visited many countries and became interested in getting to know different cultures around the globe. Studying abroad does not only mean the opportunity for me to meet different people from different countries, but also to deepen my foreign language knowledge and explore the other parts of the world. I consider myself to be a friendly and open-minded person who likes getting to know interesting people. I also like travelling, since it allows me to see the world through my eyes and shape my opinion through the experiences.

I had an internship in Budapest at the Ministry of Rural Development and was helping to the Department of Environmental Prevention and Development. I purposely chose this department because the topic of my thesis was International Environmental Law and I could use my work experience as well as my colleagues' help to finish my thesis.

I hope I will be able to continue dealing with environmental issues and climate policies since I believe that saving our environment and to provide solutions are among the most important problems in our world. I would like to contribute to help humankind to better understand the climate change as well its effects and get involved in shaping the new climate policies.

I first heard about 'The Best of The World Project" at the Webster University Vienna's Career Development Center, where I was asking for information about possible intern opportunities. After having done some research on the Project, I immediately knew that it was a great idea and I would like to be part of it. I believe that being a multicultural person as I am, I could contribute to the Project and could also deepen my knowledge in the relevant areas.

Connecting with other people and learn from them are great opportunities to explore new horizons. I think that this Project will allow me to broaden my knowledge, expand my capabilities and achieve my goals by meeting interesting and inspiring people."

Note from the Founder

It is my great pleasure to confirm that Bendegúz Gábossy, Master of Arts (MA) International Relations from the Webster University in Vienna has been assisting The Best of the World Network project since January 2014. Within a very short time Bendegúz proved to be highly reliable, professional, skilled, talented and motivated part of our team. Bendegúz Gábossy has a very strong understanding of multi-cultural environment and diversity that is an essential part of our project based on human values.

In his capacity as the country coordinator for The Best of Hungary country profile, he has been in charge of extensive online research, data processing and selection, as well as relying on his own knowledge to provide the quality and up-to date information about numerous important topics related to Hungarian country profile (and some other countries) such as: general information, history, geography, artistic and cultural highlights, travel and tourism, society and lifestyle, science and technology, environmental projects, charities, leading humanitarian and best practice personalities, NGO´s etc. Information indicated in the country profile has been approved by the Hungarian Embassy in Vienna and will be published on the network portal in 2016. 

Bendegúz Gábossy´s education background, his character, sense for responsibility, personality, excellent manners, sincerity and commitment to his voluntary work convinced us to offer him the title of The Best of the World Network honorary Youth Ambassador responsible to inspire other young professionals around the world to live responsibly, healthy and to use their talents to make a positive difference in the world.

We strongly believe that Bendegúz will be very successful in his career as an international diplomat and wish to continue our cooperation for many years.

The Best of the World Network

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