Samstag, 17. Mai 2014

The Best of ADRA Humanitarian assistance

Dear friends, readers and followers of
The Best of the World Network


The Best of the World IS SOLIDARITY. As you can see from the video and photo below, generous assistance and donations are needed urgently.

Severe flooding in Serbia and Bosnia-Herzegovina have caused both governments to declare the countries in a state of emergency and requested international assistance. The floods, caused by heavy rainfall in the last few days, are the worst this area has experienced in 120 years.

ADRA offices in the area are reporting that “dozens of cities are under water, many bridges have been broken, roads destroyed, and in some places landslides have destroyed dozens of homes."

Three deaths related to the floods have been reported, and approximately 4,600 people have evacuated their homes, per Reuters. Local government information estimates that there are 85,000 households without electricity due to flooding in the power plants, according to Relief Web.

Account number for donations: RSD 265603031000027003, ADRA Srbija 
or international IBAN code RS 5265100000012184512

You can also contact the RED CROSS Serbia for additional information, voluntary donation or eventually collect the following goods and send it to ADRA Serbia or Red Cross directly:
water, food (conserved food except of meat or milk products), baby food, baby diapers, warm clothes and any other useful items.

ADRA makes positive changes in the lives of millions globally. ADRA feeds the hungry, provides clean water and teach communities how to thrive.

Company Overview
The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is an international network present in more than 125 countries around the world. ADRA is an independent, humanitarian agency and network established by the Seventh-day Adventist Church with the specific purpose of individual and sustainable community development and disaster relief. Established in 1956, ADRA helps people without regard to age, ethnicity, gender, political or religious association. 

The international humanitarian organization ADRA implements projects in development cooperation and provides humanitarian assistance during disasters. A part of ADRA measures include addressing poverty, hunger, homelessness and counteracting the consequences of natural catastrophes. ADRA also promotes sustained aid during reconstructions, as well as the development of plans for livelihood, education and medical care. You are encouraged to get involved in alleviating poverty in the world!

If you want to know more about ADRA International or ADRA Serbija please check their websites and contact them directly.

ADRA Vision
To help people in need and support them in their development process to make them able to take self-consistent and autonomous decisions.

ADRA Mission Statement
ADRA works with people in poverty and distress to create just and positive change through empowering partnerships and responsible action „Changing the world, one life after the other“ – as a humanitarian organization of the Seventh Day Adventist Church ADRA is engaged in helping people in poverty – regardless of their ethnic origin, political or religious approach. ADRA regards itself as a guardian of the poor and considers them with respect – as partners for a successful cooperation.

ADRA is well-known for development projects, immediate aid in case of emergencies and beneficent activities – along with the objective to collaborate and giving them back new hope and livelihood.

   All rights reserved. © 2014 ADRA Serbia

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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