Montag, 18. August 2014

The Best of Anton Mayringer: Loraime

The Best of the World Network is proud to present 
a new associate and member: 

Design: Anton Mayringer 
Art that comes from the heart

Vases are an extremely popular accessory in the high-class establishment. Their shapes, colors and functions speak for the owner and his claims. Special aesthetic draws from Anton Mayr Ingers vases and each is hand crafted individuality.

"My goal in life is to do what is fun and to please others!" Said Anton Mayringer when he talks about his vases. "I can bring my creativity to express realize my dream of a career and fulfill many desires of my clients."

Craftsmanship and attention to detail is required in manufacturing. Each creation is so individual that one could write a story about it. One sees in each vase its own expression and the special and nice thing is that most precious materials are used. These include 23 carat gold leaf, silver, carbon fiber, basalt, glass and the like.

All vases are hand-blown and are then coated with the matching glass paint and built up step by step. With a special process developed by Mayringer the right fabric is coated and etc. finished with gold leaf, copper surface.

"Through my work other people should have the joy that I feel in the production!" Explains Anton Mayringer when he looks at his hand. "Each design is designed by me. But there is also the possibility of individual needs, such as modeling to match the interiors and the respective residential areas. So I bring the personal touch to any living space. "

Give vases ideal for special occasions such as baptisms, weddings, anniversaries, house coat of arms, ... the borders are wide. For each model are constantly emerging ideas in the design, in the models and sizes.

Certificate - Floor Vases 100% handmade, with 23 carat gold leaf and the real basalt.

High quality, handmade floor vases from the finest materials such as refined 23 carat gold leaf, carbon, fiberglass, basalt, journal of silver, copper and other valuable materials. The main body of these innovations is made of blown glass, finished with carbon fiber, glass fiber or basalt fabric in carefully crafted, specially developed method. Designed ornaments fonts are handmade, applied in 23 carat gold leaf, silver or metal, thus making each piece unique.

Flower of Love exclusive collection inspired by Maria Petrak from
The Best of the World Network: Anton Mayringer Design

All other photos can be viewed on

For individual orders and queries contact the designer directly,
referring to The Best of the World Network promotion to get the best price and service.

Anton Mayringer
Powered by Tonyair Gmbh, Austria

Anton Mayringer in an interview: 

"It has always been my heartfelt desire to create something to delight and inspire people. It gives me great pleasure to use my inspiration, feelings and  knowledge in forming wonderful and lasting things, from currently available materials. That is why I call my brand Anton Mayringer. It stands for unique design, quality, beauty and elegance. I was born in Wels in 1972, have a wonderful wife and four adorable children and live in Upper Austria near Schwanenstadt. That is where my art is formed."

Warum soll jemand diese Vasen Kaufen?

Weil sie ein Blickfang sind, durch die Vereinigung edelster Materialien in kunstvoller Ausarbeitung zu stilvollen Unikate. Der Grundkörper dieser Neuheiten besteht aus mundgeblasenem Glas, veredelt mit Carbon Gewebe, Kohlefaser, Glasfaser oder Basaltgewebe in sorgfältiger Handarbeit, mit einem eigens dafür entwickelten Verfahren. Die von mir entworfenen Ornamente od. Schriften sind in 23 Karat Blattgold, Silber oder Schlagmetall von Hand aufgebracht und machen so jedes Stück zu einem Unikat.

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