The Best of Vienna is the cultural heritage and traditional balls, as well as international and multicultural lifestyle thanks to the United Nations office in Vienna. Vienna is famous for its beauty, architecture, lifestyle, sightseeing highlights, coffee shops and ball season that starts with the Vienna Red Cross Ball in the City Hall (Rathaus), followed by the Silvester Ball on 31 December (former Le Grand Ball) organized at the Imperial Palace Hofburg.
Numerous balls take place until the mid summer, with the highlights of The Opera Ball, the Life Ball and Fete Imperial. Every year Vienna ball season attracts numerous visitors from many countries in the world. You can check out our photo gallery to find out for yourself which one of the balls is the most interesting for you. Here you will also find the detailed list of all the balls in Vienna.
My highlights (The Best of) from numerous balls that I had the honor to attend so far:
UN Ball photos
OSCE Ball photos
Hungarian Ball photos
Irish Charity Ball photos
Officer Ball photos (Der Ball der Offiziere) und
Dancer Against Cancer Ball photos
Bonbon Ball photos
Opera Ball photos
Life Ball photos
Russian Gala and Moscow Ball in Vienna photos
Russian Gala and Moscow Ball in Vienna photos
The Philippines Ball photos
Diversity Ball photos und
Schumacher Ball photos
Fete Imperial photos
Kaiser Ball photos
WU Ball photos:
All Vienna balls represent Vienna’s and international community in its excellence and diversity. Vienna is very international: due to the United Nations office in Vienna and the largest university location in central Europe that hosts expats from all over the world.
Come and visit Vienna, you will be impressed and maybe decide to relocate to Vienna just like I did many years ago. Alles Walzer!
Photo credit and blog article: Maria Petrak
Awarded Photo-Blogger, PR and Social Media Expert
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