Mittwoch, 27. Mai 2015

The Best of HM Sports

"Champions aren't made in the gyms.
They are made from something they have deep inside them - a desire, a dream, a vision". 
Muhammad Ali, world's greatest heavyweight boxer

The Best of the World is proud to announce a new member and associate of the network: HM Sportsan international sports consulting agency based in Vienna. HM Sports also runs offices in London, Monaco and Bahrain. 
Founded in 2003, the company disposes of a large network in sports and enjoys long-standing cooperation with internationally renowned partners and sponsors regarding sport series or events. HM Sports can claim for itself that all team members not only have a higher degree in their respective field of duty, but also a background in professional sports. HM Sports specialties are: Sports Consulting, Contracting & Negotiating, Sponsorship & Activation, PR & Media.

Over the past few years, HM Sports has enjoyed working with numerous high-profile companies and institutions all over the world. They cooperate with more than 250 media partners worldwide, including several internationally renowned universities, colleges and research centres. 

HM Sports delivers strategic PR consulting, communication planning, marketing and fundraising during numerous events:

HM Sports functions as a link between companies and potential partners in sports concerning sponsorship or any other desired form of cooperation. HM Sports offer strategic advice, practical know-how, formidable negotiation experience and regularly composes and publishes books and studies, both independently and on demand such as:

2001: Work Today, Work Tomorrow - 
Study on the Future Structure of the Labour Market in Austria
2002: Die Kunst des Surfens - Internetguide for older people
2005: The 2005 Formula One Season – a season preview
2006: The 2006 Formula One Season – a season preview
2007: Race Travel Guide, The F1 Guide for Travellers
2009: Sports in the GCC – Study on the Status of sport in the Arabic world
2010: Berühmte Kurven und Ihre Meister
2011: Sports in the GCC (updated with Qatar 2022) - Study on the Status of sport in the Arabic world
You can follow HM Sports on Facebook  and LinkedIn and
find out more photos on Picasa album or HM Sports website.

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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