Freitag, 15. Mai 2015

The Best of One World

Are YOU ready to join our Network?

We know The BEST Artists, The BEST DJs, The BEST Places and we network with 
the most amazing people around the globe!

Imagine what happens when The BEST Minds come TOGETHER to CONNECT the WORLD?

The Best of Social Media: The Best of the World Network ® (TBOWN)
is committed to to make a 

TOGETHER, we combine UNLIMITED POTENTIALS and are currently looking for new team members, associates, brand and youth ambassadors (photo below) and sponsors.

Background information:

When we live long enough to realize that we are spiritual beings having a human experience and that our time is limited, we cannot do anything else but commit ourselves to GIVE OUR BEST.

My greatest dream is to create and connect a better world: FREE of poverty, ignorance, violence, unemployment, injustice and discrimination. In my world, we have the ability to work TOGETHER towards a common goal, appreciate our unique talents and cultural differences, empower each other and unite in diversity to create a PEACEFUL, MULTICULTURAL World where we complement each other instead of compete with each other.

We can focus on the POSITIVE, beautiful and THE BEST in EVERYONE: it is our CHOICE!

If you want to join us on this ambitious mission, you can connect with us via social media while we are working on the new web-portal.

If you appreciate our initiative, please: Follow us, Like the Pages, Comment on the content and Share our posts. Thank you in advance! 

Blog article created by:

Maria Petrak
Photographer, Award Winning Blogger
Brand-Ambassador & Social Media Marketing Specialist
Lifestyle, Diplomacy, Travel
The Best of the World Network ®

Promoting Cultural Diversity: Globally!
Exclusive, multicultural, networking
promotional platform to support
THE BEST PRACTICE Individuals, Organizations, Projects and Visionary Changemakers around the World

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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Comment Policy : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, saepe gubergren sed id, et est posse insolens temporibus, alterum blandit offendit est et. Quando vocibus nam at. Quo malis detraxit ut, eu nulla decore mentitum, eu ferri postulant urbanitas pri. Nihil consul viderer vel ea, vel doctus accusamus gloriatur ut. Elitr iuvaret.

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