“Gratitude and positive thoughts build on each other, creating a positive, upward spiral. You have the power of the universe inside you and you can overcome anything in life.” says Nassim Haramein.
'The Connected Universe' team (from left to right on the photo): Malcom Carter, film director and executive film producer, Dr Lesya Anna with Nassim Haramein, award winning physicist and Resonance Science Foundation Founder/ Executive Director featured in the film.
The Connected Universe, a feature length documentary film, explores new understandings in science that reveal a bigger picture of interconnection. Narrated by the legendary Sir Patrick Stewart, directed by Malcom Carter and executive producers: Mark Sims and Lesya Anna, the film is based on Haramein’s scientific discoveries and their potential for generations to come. This is a unique, life-changing film where Haramein is sharing Einstein’s vision and ideas with an inspiration to connect us to the world of science and enable us to see the world in a new way. When you realize that you are physically and energetically connected to the Universe, you will tap into the unlimited potentials of who you are and who you can become. Discover amazing ideas that will not only help change the world but also change your life. This film has already been released in 94 countries and 4 languages and has received standing ovations in LA, Paris, London and Mexico: http://getconnected.resonance.is
Some facts:
Release: 26 September 2016
Running Time: 98 minutes
Director: Malcom Carter, Montreal, Canada
Executive producers: Mark Sims and Lesya Anna
Cast: Patrick Stewart (narrator), featuring Nassim Haramein
The Connected Universe has been funded through Indiegogo crowdfunding platform. It is the highest crowdfunded spirituality-focused movie of all-times. The crowdfunding project has been funded since January 26, 2015 and has raised $329,248 which represents 172% more then what the film makers had hoped to raise.
The film premiered on September 26 at the Directors Guild of America after Sir Patrick Stewart, famous for his roles as Jean-Luc Picard in Star Trek and the X-Men was confirmed as the narrator. “Patrick Stewart brings an incredible depth of experience behind some of the big questions that he asks in the film.” The Directors Guild of America in Hollywood was the perfect setting with over 600 people in attendance. The standing ovation at the film’s premiere was overwhelming.
People in today’s world want to feel more connected. In the midst of an accelerated pace of living, many of us are feeling that there is more to life than what we experience day-to-day. Through the lens of science, The Connected Universe presents Haramein’s ideas and discoveries to help us see the world differently. It inspires us toward fresh thinking about our connection to the Universe and to each other, and reveals that the world and our Universe are more connected than we ever before thought possible. When we discover all of the ways that we are physically and energetically connected to the Universe, we can never look at our world or ourselves the same way again. The film can be rented or bought directly on: http://getconnected.resonance.is/
People in today’s world want to feel more connected. In the midst of an accelerated pace of living, many of us are feeling that there is more to life than what we experience day-to-day. Through the lens of science, The Connected Universe presents Haramein’s ideas and discoveries to help us see the world differently. It inspires us toward fresh thinking about our connection to the Universe and to each other, and reveals that the world and our Universe are more connected than we ever before thought possible. When we discover all of the ways that we are physically and energetically connected to the Universe, we can never look at our world or ourselves the same way again. The film can be rented or bought directly on: http://getconnected.resonance.is/
Scientists and philosophers have pondered the idea of interconnection between everything in the universe for centuries. The Connected Universe explores this idea using physicist, Nassim Haramein's theory of quantum physics being connected on a cosmological scale and at the same time explores how we are connected with the universe by both science and humanity.
The Connected Universe is unlike any other documentary that has come before it exploring our existence. Every aspect of the film shows how there is more than a scientific connection between everything in the universe. We as humans want to believe that we are more than just a walking pile of atoms and The Connected Universe makes us believe that we all matter and should be inspired to make a difference in the world.
Nassim Haramein by Bryan Birdman Mier in collaboration with http://mearone.com/

Photo credit: Chris Toussaint, Free Spirit Productions www.freespiritproductions.com
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