#Clean1Tree per day - honoring Mother Earth and the Tree of Life
Are you ready to BE the change you wish to see in the world? Mahatma Gandhi
We are... and we hope you can join us
Maria and Steve
All images in this blog are subject to copyright:
Maria Petrak - ImaRA Cosmic Art4Peace
Travel Blogger, Journalist, Fashion Designer
Travel Blogger, Journalist, Fashion Designer
Have you ever asked yourself what can we do to assist our beautiful Planet - our Mother, to keep her body clean? Here is her reply: It starts "In Dir" - in You.
Our bodies are made of "Mother Earth and Father Sky" essence - all elements, made in their image of pure love and light - consciousness that we can connect with when we go deep inside of our soul and detach from ego. In silence and prayer we can find all the answers and connect with both, our Divine Mother and Divine Father. We just need to open our hearts to listen: "Music is the King and Resonance is the Queen"...
Mother Earth is a conscious, living and loving being, with incredible, unlimited beauty showing herself in miraculous ways. Just above in this photo, you can see the natural phenomenon, the trees, spectrum of light and the fluorescent light balls that appear whenever we take photos during our travels.
When we become fully aware of our love for the Planet, we become responsible for our actions and motivate others to join us in our mission for environmental cleaning and peaceful mission on Earth.
Through The Best of the World Network, our intercultural association based in Vienna, we are offering the opportunity to gather the like-minded people with the same mission and vision where everyone can become "Planetary Angels 4 Peace". In this article, you can find some images and videos from our current projects - expressed through #art4peace #photography4peace #travel4peace and #dance4peace.
WOW Workshops, events, travels and retreats
Together with Steve Whybrow we designed the "WOW Workshops 4 Conscious Living & Planetary Peace" where we are assisting others to create a life of their dreams through creative and playful process of sharing the wisdom from our ancients based on the sacred geometry and mathematics.The basic course starts with the cleaning process: our inner space and our outer space where we honor our bodies, our space and all living beings creating harmony and balance. Cosmic dance 4 peace and the golden dove planetary awards are essential part of our journey. Our forthcoming WOW Workshop, art exhibition, fashion and dance show is on 27 September 2018.
Our golden dove and the WOW training material with crystals displayed in the office of Charles church (Karlskirche) in Vienna and awarded to the people from all countries that are pro-actively contributing to peace building around the globe.
Save the batterflies project
Expanding our consciousness is the key. Sacred geometry symbols of Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, the pyramid structures, Shamanic rituals honoring and appreciating the nature and all the living beings can assist us in our spiritual awakening and understanding the laws of nature.
The "inner" work is a continuous process where we live and act in eternal "NOW" and "HERE" no matter where we are and who we are with. Our bodies and our homes become our temples and the Universe becomes the multidimensional playground for cosmic dance filled with colors and beauty.
The Connected Universe
Here is the link and video trailer from the visionary film maker Malcolm Carter and the physicist Nassim Haramein from the Resonance Science Foundation "The Connected Universe":
Clean one tree per day ... and before you leave - hug it
When we take a conscious decision to help Mother Earth in cleaning her from the garbage and loving her instead, we receive so many gifts and our commitment that stays for a lifetime. My story begun when I started to clean the parks near my building where I live, and the parks that I visited during my summer holidays and walks in nature. Our largest projects so far were stream and large tree cleaning from the garbage "An der Untere Alte Donau" and "Mühlwasser". Usually we find lots of plastic, papers, bottles, cigarettes, metal, glass, old T-shirts, caps and so on... However, seeing the tree clean and beautifully decorated after the cleanup is always the greatest reward we can get. Relaxation and picknic is the luxury. After the cleaning, we are using these locations for relaxation, ideal for meditations, the WOW Workshops and dance 4 peace afterwards.
Honoring our Ancestors
We are in this way honoring our Ancestors where we decorate nature with the gifts from nature: stones, crystals, flowers, shells etc... This is my own, new way of performing the Shamanic Visionary art - as my creative expression as an artist for peace. During my work, I also create fashion - combining natural flowers and leaves.
When we appreciate all natural elements and feel love for all the existence, we change our perception and consciousness. Even though it is highly spiritual, the real spirituality is very practical: by doing one good deed per day... No matter what it is.
Nature is the most precious element we have on this planet. As guardians of Planet Earth, it is our responsibility to share our wisdom with our children. They are our present and the future. Peace lies in our hands - practically. For this reason, we created #Angels4Peace golden doves that we travel with - around the world as travel bloggers, hotel reviewers and restaurant testers. We combine all our work with the mission of peace and cleaning the environment at the same time.
My awakening process happened during my scientific research travel to the Giza pyramids in Egypt on 6 October 2017. This is where my new life begun, my consciousness expanded and I became the "Sufi-Techno dancer" and visionary artist.
When we connect with the sunlight in our meditations, we start to shift our consciousness and multidimensional reality where we realize that we are ONE with NATURE. When we look at the flower, we become flower, when we hug a tree, we are getting the loving hug from a conscious soul - Divine Gaia - our Mother that loves us so much and provides with everything that we need to live.
All that she needs is to love her back. She deserve all the love in this world so why do we pollute her with the plastic, paper, heavy metal, nuclear waste, 5G technology - microwave technology that fries our brains and burns nature... There are so many questions why, why, why... and I am always determined to know the answers.
When we truly start appreciating in our bodies, our homes, our gardens, streets, the parks and everywhere else wherever we go... So where do we start? HERE and NOW. When we live in the present moment, we realize that we are eternal beings of light. To understand this fully, we need to meditate, work on our emotions, dissolve our shadows, make peace with everyone, forgive everyone including our families and our selves and then we realize that we are all ONE, connected with everyone and everything in the Universe. Just like The Connected Universe tells us, the Cosmos is inside of ourselves, all we need to do is acknowledge it, be grateful, live it, share it with others unconditionally and be happy.
Our bodies are made of "Mother Earth and Father Sky" essence - all elements, made in their image of pure love and light - consciousness that we can connect with when we go deep inside of our soul and detach from ego. In silence and prayer we can find all the answers and connect with both, our Divine Mother and Divine Father. We just need to open our hearts to listen: "Music is the King and Resonance is the Queen"...
Mother Earth is a conscious, living and loving being, with incredible, unlimited beauty showing herself in miraculous ways. Just above in this photo, you can see the natural phenomenon, the trees, spectrum of light and the fluorescent light balls that appear whenever we take photos during our travels.
When we become fully aware of our love for the Planet, we become responsible for our actions and motivate others to join us in our mission for environmental cleaning and peaceful mission on Earth.

Through The Best of the World Network, our intercultural association based in Vienna, we are offering the opportunity to gather the like-minded people with the same mission and vision where everyone can become "Planetary Angels 4 Peace". In this article, you can find some images and videos from our current projects - expressed through #art4peace #photography4peace #travel4peace and #dance4peace.
WOW Workshops, events, travels and retreats
Together with Steve Whybrow we designed the "WOW Workshops 4 Conscious Living & Planetary Peace" where we are assisting others to create a life of their dreams through creative and playful process of sharing the wisdom from our ancients based on the sacred geometry and mathematics.The basic course starts with the cleaning process: our inner space and our outer space where we honor our bodies, our space and all living beings creating harmony and balance. Cosmic dance 4 peace and the golden dove planetary awards are essential part of our journey. Our forthcoming WOW Workshop, art exhibition, fashion and dance show is on 27 September 2018.
Our golden dove and the WOW training material with crystals displayed in the office of Charles church (Karlskirche) in Vienna and awarded to the people from all countries that are pro-actively contributing to peace building around the globe.
Save the batterflies project
Expanding our consciousness is the key. Sacred geometry symbols of Flower of Life, the Tree of Life, the pyramid structures, Shamanic rituals honoring and appreciating the nature and all the living beings can assist us in our spiritual awakening and understanding the laws of nature.

The "inner" work is a continuous process where we live and act in eternal "NOW" and "HERE" no matter where we are and who we are with. Our bodies and our homes become our temples and the Universe becomes the multidimensional playground for cosmic dance filled with colors and beauty.
The Connected Universe
Here is the link and video trailer from the visionary film maker Malcolm Carter and the physicist Nassim Haramein from the Resonance Science Foundation "The Connected Universe":
Clean one tree per day ... and before you leave - hug it
When we take a conscious decision to help Mother Earth in cleaning her from the garbage and loving her instead, we receive so many gifts and our commitment that stays for a lifetime. My story begun when I started to clean the parks near my building where I live, and the parks that I visited during my summer holidays and walks in nature. Our largest projects so far were stream and large tree cleaning from the garbage "An der Untere Alte Donau" and "Mühlwasser". Usually we find lots of plastic, papers, bottles, cigarettes, metal, glass, old T-shirts, caps and so on... However, seeing the tree clean and beautifully decorated after the cleanup is always the greatest reward we can get. Relaxation and picknic is the luxury. After the cleaning, we are using these locations for relaxation, ideal for meditations, the WOW Workshops and dance 4 peace afterwards.

Honoring our Ancestors
We are in this way honoring our Ancestors where we decorate nature with the gifts from nature: stones, crystals, flowers, shells etc... This is my own, new way of performing the Shamanic Visionary art - as my creative expression as an artist for peace. During my work, I also create fashion - combining natural flowers and leaves.
When we appreciate all natural elements and feel love for all the existence, we change our perception and consciousness. Even though it is highly spiritual, the real spirituality is very practical: by doing one good deed per day... No matter what it is.
Nature is the most precious element we have on this planet. As guardians of Planet Earth, it is our responsibility to share our wisdom with our children. They are our present and the future. Peace lies in our hands - practically. For this reason, we created #Angels4Peace golden doves that we travel with - around the world as travel bloggers, hotel reviewers and restaurant testers. We combine all our work with the mission of peace and cleaning the environment at the same time.
My awakening process happened during my scientific research travel to the Giza pyramids in Egypt on 6 October 2017. This is where my new life begun, my consciousness expanded and I became the "Sufi-Techno dancer" and visionary artist.
When we connect with the sunlight in our meditations, we start to shift our consciousness and multidimensional reality where we realize that we are ONE with NATURE. When we look at the flower, we become flower, when we hug a tree, we are getting the loving hug from a conscious soul - Divine Gaia - our Mother that loves us so much and provides with everything that we need to live.
All that she needs is to love her back. She deserve all the love in this world so why do we pollute her with the plastic, paper, heavy metal, nuclear waste, 5G technology - microwave technology that fries our brains and burns nature... There are so many questions why, why, why... and I am always determined to know the answers.
When we truly start appreciating in our bodies, our homes, our gardens, streets, the parks and everywhere else wherever we go... So where do we start? HERE and NOW. When we live in the present moment, we realize that we are eternal beings of light. To understand this fully, we need to meditate, work on our emotions, dissolve our shadows, make peace with everyone, forgive everyone including our families and our selves and then we realize that we are all ONE, connected with everyone and everything in the Universe. Just like The Connected Universe tells us, the Cosmos is inside of ourselves, all we need to do is acknowledge it, be grateful, live it, share it with others unconditionally and be happy.
As a nature lovers and peace activists, we found a very simple and easy solution that can be applied everywhere. Our greatest mission in life became the "cleaner of the Planet Earth". Honoring the beauty of our Mother Earth, it is our responsibility to clean at least 1 tree per day. This also means cleaning the water - especially the streams and ponds in the parks - especially if there is plastic, paper and other materials that pollute the environment. If I find any objects that can be practical and transformed to an artwork, I take it home and create an #Art4Peace from recycled garbage.
Some of the images and videos of my artwork can be found on my social media profiles, especially on Instagram and Facebook. I also use wooden objects as artwork just like this one: https://www.instagram.com/p/BnOyuRhgWr9/?taken-by=cosmicart4peace
My greatest hope is to inspire other people to do the same by "cleaning one tree per day", no matter if it is in the park nearby, forest or anywhere else. For this purpose, I always have an empty plastic bag and a pair of glows with me.
Imagine how many trees can we free from garbage if everyone does the same and if we teach our children to do it from an early age - as a team work in the kindergarten where they can develop their leadership skills? This would be my greatest wish to see the kids cleaning the parks in a playful way and learn how to appreciate the beauty everywhere. As a mother of a child and planetary activist, I am passionate about keeping the environment clean.
I was surprised to see how many spider nets surround the trees and block their natural growth. Every time I clean a tree , I receive gifts from nature - nuts, branches and flowers that I usually take home and decorate my atelier. Butterflies usually appear and surround me while I am cleaning the trees as if they could feel that I appreciate their company. This is how the "Butterflies Project" was born - honoring their beauty.
During our cleaning work, we usually experience incredible natural phenomena that are published on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BneCgB-gp6G/?taken-by=cosmicart4peace, https://www.instagram.com/p/BneCm7ng9UN/?taken-by=cosmicart4peace
During our cleaning work, we usually experience incredible natural phenomena that are published on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/p/BneCgB-gp6G/?taken-by=cosmicart4peace, https://www.instagram.com/p/BneCm7ng9UN/?taken-by=cosmicart4peace
The Best of the World Network
TBOTWN was founded in 2015 with the intention of finding human beings most motivated and dedicated to apply their talents towards creating a better world. We regard ourselves and the people we work with as the Lightworkers, Change Makers and Visionaries.
We regard TBOTWN as a product of our divine imagination. It represents the culmination of all our ideas for the creation of a world of beauty that this planet was always meant to be. It has lead us to this point NOW and we consider it to be our life's purpose for which we've been working for our entire lives. It grew out of a UN organization called VIC Society for Conscious Living, which focused its efforts on human rights for all people.
TBOTWN now represents an ever-growing network of true visionaries that have dedicated themselves to living in harmony with nature. We align to natural law, which constitutes the laws of the universe and functions as the governing dynamics of consciousness.
In Awakening to one's True Self, one doesn't only get a part or portion of the solution, one receives the whole solution. With this new awareness it is then important to find out which role one wishes to take on within the unfolding story of Transformation on this planet. We aim to create Communities with Common Unity all over the world in order to unite the whole human family, clean the Planet Earth from all the garbage and celebrate life in its full beauty aspiring to live in paradise, paradise on earth that is our birthright.
If you are inspired by this article, you can decide whether you are going to join us on mission to free one tree per day...
Maria Petrak - ImaRA Cosmic Art4Peace and Steve Whybrow
The Best of the World Network
in collaboration with Adil Elmas, TRT & FA Media
Social Media:
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