Sonntag, 7. September 2014

The Best of Akio Friesacher

We are very happy and proud to introduce our Youth Ambassador and member of
The Best of the World Network: Akio Friesacher
Origin: Japanese mother, Austrian father

Akio about himself...

"I was born in Vienna as a third child on the 03.03.1994 with 3.3 kg and later I noticed that I even have 3 hair crowns on my head. So the number 3 must have some significance in my life. From my Name Akio Friesacher you can see that I am an intercultural mix. My mum is Japanese and my dad is Austrian.
Parents: Ruiko and Herbert Friesacher by Akio Friesacher

I feel that it is very precious to come from two different cultures, not only because I can speak two languages or that I eat salad with chopsticks sometimes, but because these cultures are so different.

In my own way, I bring these two cultures together. Because of this, I will always support the cultural exchange based on a good intention so that people overcome their prejudice of other cultures and religions and start to respect, love and support each other.

I grew-up with three other brothers (Rene, Kento and Aseo), who I love and who I believe are all going to be successful and able to contribute something to a more loving society.
We had the fortune to be in the Vienna Boys Choir, a choir, which tours to different countries of the world to give concerts. That was another chance where I experienced the diversity of cultures and lifestyles, even though I was very young (10-14). Together with the choir we traveled and sang in Austria, Italy, Swiss, Denmark, Spain, Germany, USA, Canada, Mexico, Russia, Japan, Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Malaysia, Singapore and in the Philippines.

After so much music I went to an Art School in Vienna and began to develop my ability of drawing. One day I felt that I really wanted to experience how life would be on the other side of the world. Then when I was about 17 years old I participated on an intercultural exchange program to South Africa. I choose this country because I wanted to experience something totally new. In those six months living in another family in a different environment going to another school I realized things are not always easy. I wasn’t allowed to go to certain areas, where it could be dangerous for me. South Africa has a beautiful natural environment, but when I look on the streets, there is just waste lying around. I realized that the world is not alright yet. But I also got to know the people with a good heart, who invited me and overwhelmed me with their caring and loving attitude, even though they might struggle through life themselves. I remember all those people and I wish there could be more of them on earth. Hopefully the world can change so that people don’t need to suffer any more.

I graduated in the Art School in 2012, and afterwards began to work for Civil Service in Kindergarten until the end of July 2013. I believe we must give them all our heart, because the children of today are going to be our future generation.
Freedom: art drawing by Akio Friesacher 

As you can see from my art drawing, I am inspired by the topic of freedom and peace that are so much needed in this world. This drawing makes me feel more free.

I also make music, play guitar and bass in a music group. But I am questioning myself what can I really do with my life and my talents to make a positive impact in our world. One of the reasons why I am supporting The Best of the World Network project as a Youth Ambassador to spread the message of Unity in Diversity and inspire young people to live in harmony and with respect and appreciation for our differences."

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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