Montag, 22. September 2014

The Best of Club GLOBALS

Photo copyright: Maria Petrak, 
All photos can be found on The Best of the World Network

The Best of the World Network is very proud to announce a new member and cooperation partner- our global associate: Club GLOBALS from Berlin, Germany. If you are visiting or moving to Berlin and need some useful information, insider tips or people that you can rely on, we can highly recommend our associate the Club GLOBALS.

Club GLOBALS is a community marketplace for expats where they find solutions for relocation and integration. They connect with verified English speaking local service providers offering a wide range of personalized services from banking to housing. Moreover, members enjoy special deals such as sports club membership or having access to exclusive venues. Once a month the community comes together for a networking event in order to build personal connections. Club GLOBALS is currently operating in Berlin, and will be expanding to other cities worldwide in the near future.

Founder Mario Paladini from Argentina (photo above), was working for Oracle and as Honorary volunteer was the Ambassador for the World’s largest expat network in Berlin. On this position and similar previous engagements, he was always hearing over and over the same questions he had at the beginning when he moved to berlin. Where can I rent a furnished apartment? Who can help me open a bank account in English? Which insurances do I need? So, he was connecting expatriates with members of his English Speaking Rotary Club he co-founded, by email, telephone or networking events. Finally, he decided to leave the corporate and follow his passion of helping expats in a more efficient way with the start-up The Club GLOBALS. 

Club GLOBALS mission is to make international life easier. Moving to a new city is daunting especially when you don’t have any recommendations or local knowledge about who can be trusted to give you the best services. On our website you can already choose from a wide range of services from housing through financial matters to childcare. The method is simple: you click on the category you need your service in and contacting the assigned service provider, we call them “Solutioner”, is only one click away.


We are working on an mobile app so the above described process will be even easier and straight-forward. We are also present on social media (most importantly Facebook and Twitter).

Each month we choose a different exclusive venue around Berlin where we use the opportunity to present our innovations and milestones (e.g. at our September event we presented our app prototype). Furthermore, we also give the chance to our partners to pitch, introduce themselves, show how we work together. 

Our Berlin based team is still small but extremely engaged and of course 100% international. There are currently 6 people working on establishing the GLOBALS vision and growing the community: we are from Argentina, Canada/Turkey, Italy, Egypt, Hungary and Russia. Our vision is to expand worldwide and that Club GLOBALS will be a trusted trademark for expats all around the world to make their international life easier.

More information and contact details:

Founder & CEO 

Prinzessinnenstraße. 19-20, 10969, Berlin

LinkedIn Facebook Twitter XINGSkype mariopaladini
Join | Personal Invitation Link

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