Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

The Best of Thomas Jandejsek, Youth Ambassador

We are very happy and proud to introduce 
The Best of the World Network  honorary Youth Ambassador from Austria:
Thomas Jandejsek

Thomas Jandejsek was born in Vienna, Austria. After finishing a five-year engineering program through secondary school at the TGM School of Technology, he started his Bachelor Studies at Modul University Vienna. As Part of his major in International Management, he had the opportunity to take further specialized management courses at Harvard University through the summer 2014.

At the age of 14, Mr. Jandejsek decided to attend an engineering program at the leading school of technology in Vienna. During his time at the TGM he served as the engineering department student representative and as vice student president, which allowed him to gain detailed knowledge in the education sector while experiencing the school as a functioning corporation. In his final years at TGM Mr. Jandejsek found his interest in management. In the year between finishing secondary school and starting university, when he had to serve the Austrian Civil Service, Thomas supervised four regional districts of the Viennese Student Union in educational matters.

In March 2013, Mr. Jandejsek began his Bachelor of Science in International Management at Modul University Vienna, a private international university with an English curriculum. Due to his academic achievements, the university offered him to work as a tutor and student ambassador. As a student ambassador at Modul University Vienna, Mr. Jandejsek acts as a “link” between the university and outside communities and is involved in the university marketing and recruitment activities. From 2013 to 2014, Mr. Jandejsek pursued the Global Advancement Program for high potential students offered by the Academic Forum for Foreign Affairs. Starting his fourth semester in the fall 2014, Mr. Jandejsek decided to further extend his studies by attending management graduate courses at Harvard University.

Mr. Jandejsek had the opportunity to acquire diverse work experience and essential skills while being employed in companies as: General Motors AG, Ströck GmbH, TFA-Fashion e.U., the engineering department of the Austrian Military and a financial consulting company. Attending several extra-curricular business conferences and seminars, he additionally serves as a board member of the Business Negotiation Club in Vienna.

Besides Mr. Jandejsek’s academic activities and his interest in investment banking, he pursues sports as often as possible. Five years of horseback riding, two years of American Football and ongoing triathlon competitions are only some of Mr. Jandejsek’s hobbies.  Mr. Jandejsek has adopted Michael Phelps’ credo: “You can’t put a limit on anything. The more you dream the farther you get.”

Original article: Please also check:

Message from Thomas:

"Even though the world gets more and more international integrated through the process of globalization, a lot of potential is lost by the missing awareness of the various talents in the world. Therefore, I admire the work done by “The Best of the World Network”, because it connects business, organizations and individuals to tap everyone’s full potential. Through the creation of this huge networking opportunity, the empowerment of various international talents can reach it’s full potential of awareness making our world a better place to live."

Thomas Nachricht auf Deutsch:

"Obwohl die Welt immer mehr durch den Effekt der Globalisierung international vernetzter und integrierter wird, werden viele verschiedenste und großartige Talente nie entdeckt und unterstützt. Aus diesem Grund bewundere ich die Arbeit des “The Best of the World“  Netzwerkes, weil sie Firmen, Organisationen und Individuen hilft um deren volles Potential auszuschöpfen. Durch die Erschaffung dieses riesigen Netzwerks  haben internationale Talente und Menschen die etwas bewegen wollen, die Möglichkeit durch Aufmerksamkeit größtmögliches zu bewirken, um unsere Welt einen besseren Ort zu machen.

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