Montag, 13. Oktober 2014

The Best of Fernanda Topbachian, Youth Ambassador

In cooperation with the Spanish Embassy in Vienna we are very happy and proud to introduce 
The Best of the World Network  honoraryYouth Ambassador and Coordinator 
Fernanda Topbachian

"I was born in Argentina and moved to Spain when I was 14. I studied Bachelor in Tourism Management in University of Valencia (2010) and specialized myself in Cultural Events Management. After living some months in London, I decided to move to Vienna in 2012 to improve my German skills and to discover a new culture and country. Once in Vienna, I made an internship at the cultural department of Instituto Cervantes and an internship at the cultural department of the Embassy of Spain.

In the Embassy, within other tasks, they made me responsible of the project “The Best of Spain” from “The Best of the World Network”. So I met Maria Petrak, the Founder of this project. After our first meeting I felt totally motivated and willing to help her.

This project is not just an innovative social network, but also a way to connect countries, associations, companies and people and to help each other with the best of us. I’m glad to be part of the team!"
Note from the Founder

It is my great pleasure to confirm that Fernanda Topbachian has been assisting The Best of the World Network project since March 2014. Fernanda created the very first country profile within the short time and proved to be highly professional, talented and motivated part of our team. Fernanda has a very strong understanding of multicultural environment and diversity that is an essential part of our project based on human values.

In his capacity as the country coordinator for The Best of Spain country profile, she has been in charge of extensive online research, data processing and selection, as well as relying on her own knowledge to provide the quality and up-to date information about numerous important topics related to Spanish country profile (and Argentina that is in preparation) such as: general information, history, geography, artistic and cultural highlights, travel and tourism, society and lifestyle, science and technology, environmental projects, charities, leading humanitarian personalities, NGO´s etc. Information indicated in The Best of Spain country profile has already been approved by the Spanish Embassy in Vienna and now pending the launch of the new portal that is in development.

Fernanda's education background, character, sense for responsibility, personality, excellent manners, sincerity and commitment to this voluntary work convinced us to offer her the title of The Best of the World Network honorary Youth Ambassador responsible to inspire other young professionals around the world to live responsibly, healthy and to use their talents to make a positive difference in the world.

We strongly believe that Fernanda will be very successful in his career as an international diplomat and look forward to our cooperation in the coming years.

The Best of the World Network

About Shabbir Ahmad :

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